I Was Working 60+ Hours a Week, Barely Saw My Family, Didn’t Date, Never Traveled, and Hated My Life. Now I Enjoy 100+ Days Off a Year, and My Business Runs Itself.

In 6 months or less you can have a business that doesn’t rely on you, makes a healthy profit, and pays you—even while you take a 6-week vacation.

Build a Business That Runs Without You

Are you tired of running your business?

If so, your business is in danger of shutting down.

There are two reasons business go out of business: they run out of money or the owner quits.

Obviously, you don’t want to lack money to run your business (and if you find yourself in that situation, feel free to email me if you want suggestions for what to do it about quickly since I’ve been there myself many times).

But if you’re profitable AND tired of running your business?

Then you’re in real danger of quitting and shutting your business down, because you’re overworked, stressed out, and sick of working long days with no end in sight.

Do you feel that way?

You look successful on the outside, but you’re miserable on the inside.

You’re working 10+ hours a day, you don’t take weekends off, you never take vacations, and you barely sleep.

As you hired more people, you thought you would FINALLY have more time for yourself.

But then the opposite happened: you ended up managing people, having to show up for more meetings, and constantly trying to motivate people to make sure they’re getting their work done.

Now you’re stuck. If you don’t manage your employees, they’ll do a poor job, won’t meet their deadlines, and clients will notice a decline in quality. You might even lose some business as a result.

If you don’t show up for meetings, projects will be delayed, because you’re the bottleneck. Again, you may lose clients because of this…or fail to get new clients due to dropping the ball on sales and marketing.

So you have no choice but to put your nose to the grindstone and work. Work harder than you ever did as an employee, but with way more stress and responsibility than you had then…and no time to enjoy the money you’re making.

I used to be in the same situation.

And when I tried to fix it, I couldn’t. I was a control freak and I had a hard time letting go. Do you remember the first you ever delegated something? It’s incredibly hard!

I knew I was the problem, but I didn’t know how to fix it, which made me feel even more trapped.

Running a business was what I’d dreamed about since I was 14. So why did it suck so much?

When I thought about the future, all I felt was tired. I couldn’t imagine doing working 80-hour weeks for the next 40+ years. I’d burn out before then. And then what? Get a job?

“Maybe being chained to a desk isn’t that bad,” I’d tell myself. Being chained to a business wasn’t that much better!

But then anytime I’d think that, I’d remember…I’m pretty unemployable. I knew I wouldn’t last a week with someone else telling me what to do every day. This business thing had to work, but I still felt stuck.

I Looked Successful on the Outside, But No One Knew How Unhappy I Was

I’d left the Netherlands at 18, moved to the U.S. (my childhood dream), and achieved the American dream: building a successful business from scratch.

I was a young entrepreneur making good money and living in Los Angeles. Life should have been good.

And people thought it was. But little did they know how unhappy I was.

I was working constantly, 24/7 (I took a day off about once a month…no weekends). I slept very little and some nights, I didn’t sleep at all — I was too preoccupied with either working or thinking about all the work I had to do.

My diet consisted 99% of pizza, ramen, burritos, and energy drinks…and I gained the weight to show for it: 20 pounds in 3 months.

I never worked out.

My “default setting” was feeling bloated, tired, stressed, and full of nervous adrenaline at the same time — and constantly on the edge of burning out and wanting to hole up in a cave with Netflix for a month.

I only traveled for work — going to conferences, networking, and going back home. And I never got to enjoy actually being in America, which I’d spent years dreaming of. There I was in LA, and I saw the inside of my home office more than anything else.

Since I was working all the time, my relationships suffered.

I went on dates here and there, but I didn’t have the time to put into a relationship, so I missed out on a big part of my twenties. Other guys my age were out dating, getting into relationships, even getting engaged…I was holed up in my apartment with my true love, Red Bull.

Things weren’t that much better with my family relationships. I missed so many important family events — my brother’s graduation, weddings of friends around the world, and holidays with family like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary.

I’ll never get those opportunities back. They’re gone forever. All because I was working on some project I don’t even remember anymore.

One of my values is spending quality time with people I love the most. When I looked at my life, I was doing the complete opposite. I was working all the time and I’d started to hate my business. Sometimes I wished I had a regular job that paid me good money so I wouldn’t worry about stuff all the time. Maybe then I would have a normal life again like everyone else around me.

Those first 5 years of my business were a grind. People think hitting the 5-year mark is a milestone, because most businesses are gone by then, but I was just getting more frustrated.

I was working 80+ hours a week, but…

No Matter How Much I Worked, Deep Down I Felt Like a Fraud

So I kept working to maintain my identity. That’s what entrepreneurs are supposed to do, right? Hustle and grind.

Each time the business grew — as we hit 6 figures, then 7 figures and more — I became more of a slave to the business.

With each additional hire, I thought I’d free up more of my time. In reality, I ended up spending more time training, managing, and dealing with problems that came up. The more the team grew, the more miserable I became.

I questioned myself constantly: had I made the right hire? Would the next hire actually make it better…or worse?

I thought hiring people was the mark of a “real” business, that I was becoming a “real” entrepreneur. But no one had ever told me that growing my business this way would take over my life like this. More people = more time? Not for me.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED teaching productivity.

What I didn’t love were the daily, weekly, and quarterly meetings. Reporting to my teams. Being chained to my desk 16 hours a day. Doing $15/hour tasks like publishing blog posts, editing audio and video, and putting together the technical pieces of sales funnels.

I’d always thought that once my business started to grow, I’d finally be able to take a vacation and have my employees do everything. FALSE!

More revenue and more people did not equal more freedom. That was a hard lesson I needed to learn. And I learned it, working 80-hour weeks for years, never taking vacations, and spending hours in meetings every day.

It was like being an employee again, but with all the responsibility and none of the ability to just “check out” and leave work behind at the end of the day (especially since I worked from home).

I spent most of my time coaching and training people on everything that was considered “best practices.” I would repeat our core values, have monthly one-on-one meetings with every employee, train people to improve their skills, and much more.

I loved seeing my people grow, but at the same time I felt stuck.

Sometimes I even wished I was a one-man show because then at least I wouldn’t have to show up for meetings. I felt like I had a job that I couldn’t escape, but unlike with a job, now I had people relying on me. I needed to show up for all the meetings, and nothing could be done without me.

Any time I tried to take off time (even just two days here and there), things would fall apart.

A customer would ask a question only I knew the answer to…

A vendor would need an asset that only I could provide…

Something would be scheduled for publication, and it would all grind to a halt because there was one small piece of the production process that only I knew how to do…

I’d come back from one day off and find more work to do playing catch up than if I’d just kept working.

My business relied too much on me. It was very easy to see how I was the bottleneck of everything. All decisions and projects had to go through me.

I felt trapped, frustrated, and angry.

Finally Everything Changed, and I Started to Build My Business to Run Without Me

It all came to a head 3 years ago when my business partner and I split, and I took over the business.

Suddenly, I was in charge of everything: hiring, firing, managing, training, strategy, financials. I’d ALREADY been working myself almost to breaking…how would I do it without my business partner?

I was barely seeing my parents. I never got to travel. I was making money, but I didn’t get to enjoy it.

I knew my life couldn’t go on like this.

Here I was, still single with no hope ever changing this. I was married to my business with no time for anything else. My parents kept asking me when they could expect grandchildren and I could never look them in the eye and give them a good answer…

I was missing out on life and I hated it.

I didn’t start a business to work 80 hours a week. I started it with the intention to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and to have more time.

I’d always dreamed of being able to pick up and take a quick trip whenever I wanted. Of being spontaneous and meeting friends anywhere in the world. Of unplugging for a week or two at a time and really enjoying a new place, without email, work, or meetings.

Somewhere along the way, I lost that vision.

I knew I couldn’t continue on this path much longer. I had to change this or shutdown my business, fire people, and start something different.

All my mentors were telling me not to work so hard, that life is all about relationships.

Finally, it all came to me at once — I had to do this. I had to build my business so it could run without me.

So I started to seek outside help. Within a year, I was part of a $30,000/year mastermind, had attended 6 business workshops for well over $55,000 together in total, and had reached out to my mentors more often for advice.

I asked everyone I met the same question:

“How Do I Build a Business That Runs Without Me?”

Most of the time the answers were vague:

  • “Work ON your business, not IN your business.”
  • “Hire really good people”
  • “Read The E-Myth Revisited”
  • “Systemize everything”
  • “Create SOPs for everything”

Guess what? I did all of that! But I still couldn’t take time off for more than 2 days. I would be lucky if I didn’t have to work half days on Saturdays and Sundays.

Everyone had good advice, but none of it was very practical. Like: “Work ON your business, not IN your business.” OK, how? What are the actual practical steps to do that?

I wanted the simple “do this, this, and this” steps, but none of that was available. So I set out to figure it on my own.

Over the past three years, I followed every piece of advice I got and figured out a framework for building a business that runs without the founder — even if the founder is the face of the company, like with me and Asian Efficiency.

How I Take 6 Weeks of Vacation at a Time, and My Business Keeps Growing Without Me

I’ve condensed everything I’ve learned into a 7-Step Founder Replacement Plan for making more money in less time, so you can finally enjoy life as a business owner.

This is everything I had to learn the hard way to build a business that runs without me. Even though I’m the face of the company, I was able to take a 6-week vacation across Asia and Europe while my business continued to run, make a profit, my employees got paid, and I got paid.

Oh yeah, and I didn’t touch a thing at work for those whole 6 weeks. (A couple times, I cheated and checked in on things without telling anyone and saw everything running smoothly and generating profits. While I was eating fresh sushi in Japan. It was amazing.)

You’ll get everything that let me do that handed to you on a silver platter, so you don’t have to waste any time figuring it out yourself. Here’s what the 7-Step Founder Replacement Plan covers:

  • Letting Go – I’ll teach you how to let go and trust others, even if you HATE giving up control and are worried no one can do things as well as you
  • Business Foundations – you’ll learn how to create a vision, core values, brand promise, a strategy, and meeting rhythms, so everyone is aligned and your business can convey a uniform message without you. Nail this and everyone in the company can grow your business, even while you’re on vacation
  • Business Owner Skills – I’ll teach you must-have skills like delegating, planning ahead, hiring, managing people, retaining talent, and reading financials. This is a key difference between being a freelancer or solopreneur and being a business owner
  • Hiring – you’ll learn how to build your teams, put the right people in the right place, and have them doing the right things, so you don’t waste time or money on the wrong hires. You’ll get the best people on your team as quickly as possible
  • Building systems – I’ll give you all the systems you need, with templates, examples, spreadsheets, and more, so you have real-life tools you can use in your business
  • Building documentation – you’ll learn which documents you need and how to create them, with templates and examples, so you can quickly create SOPs and other documentation for your team
  • Training – how to train your team, how to find and train your second in command (who will eventually take over), and how to make others think like you, so they make the right decisions while you’re away. At this point, you’ve built a business you can sell — or keep running at a healthy profit

I’ll teach you this plan during a 2-day workshop May 31-June 1st in downtown Austin, Texas AND in Amsterdam, Netherlands on June 28-29.

During this intimate, 5-15-person workshop, I’ll teach you step-by-step how I built my business to run without me, so you can do the same in 6 months or less.

Imagine one day in December — you take the day off. The whole day. You unplug, don’t check your email, and completely check out of your business. While you’re gone, your business keeps making money without you.

And that’s only the beginning. Soon after that, you take a week’s vacation, then a month’s vacation. You start taking weekend trips every month.

That’s exactly what will happen when you attend this workshop and follow my 7-Step Founder Replacement Plan. And it’s exactly what I do right now.

It will only take you 6 months to build a business that lets you do that, but…

It Took Me 3 Years to Build a Business That Runs Without Me

You see, it took me 3 years to figure this out the hard way: by trial and error.

I hired and fired a lot of people, figuring out the hard way how to systematically hire good people. What tests to have them take, what sorting questions to ask in pre-interview questionnaires, what red flags to watch out for, what types of personalities thrive at what types of tasks, what interview questions to ask, and more.

I also figured out how to retain the best people by aligning my business goals with their personal and professional goals, so they were more motivated to do their best work. I’ve spent years training my team, building a team training curriculum, and building a rockstar team that can do everything without me.

My 7-step plan works for any business, online or offline, but it was even harder for me to develop it as the founder of a remote company. There were no materials on that whatsoever, so the techniques I developed are cutting edge.

I read hundreds of books, went to Scaling Up workshops, talked to business coaches and experts, spend $30,000 per year on a mastermind, and spent well over $55,000 on other business workshops.

Each time I went on a trip, something would break down or last-minute emergencies would bleed over into my travel and I’d have to take care of them.

Each time, I used it as a lesson in bulletproofing my business. It got better with each trip, and in the past 3 years I’ve taken over 35 trips. Each time, I learned something new to systematize my business to run without me.

Unlike me, to figure this out, you don’t have to go on that many trips, or spend hundreds of hours flying or thousands of dollars at hotels. And unlike me, your business won’t go backwards on your first couple trips, like mine did.

Because you’ll get to avoid the mistakes I made along the way.

This System Is Proven to Work and Easy to Implement

It took me 3 years, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and thousands of hours to develop my 7-Step Founder Replacement plan — but you can get it in just 2 days and implement it in just 6 months.

The reason is that each system in the plan has steps that are simple and actionable (no fluff or vague advice like “just do X”).

The 7-Step Founder Replacement Plan is proven to work — no matter what type of business you have and whether it’s remote or not. I’ve personally troubleshooted this plan over 3 years, with the help of experts, workshops, and masterminds.

You’ll get templates, SOPs, scripts, and examples of my own systems to use, including every single piece of software I recommend and how it all works together.

This is as close to turnkey as possible. I’m literally making it so easy that you can insert a new system into your business with a manual showing your team how to run it.

It’s a pre-made system for building your business to run without you, so you don’t have to waste time troubleshooting it yourself. Any business owner, whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, will be able to use this right away.

You’ll join 10 other entrepreneurs to learn the system — and if you need accountability support after the workshop is over, you can get that, too.

All so you can…

Build a Business That Runs Without You In Only 6 Months

This August, you’ll wake up and take your first day 100% off — without feeling guilty or checking email once. You’ll finally have a business that can run without you. You’ll have built a beautiful machine that continues to make a profit and pay you (while you’re out having lunch at your favorite restaurant).

Any business, including yours, can be systemized and “professionalized” in 6 months or less.

Will it be easy? No, you will definitely have to be focused on it, but I’m going to make it as easy as possible for you by giving you a framework to follow.

And I’m going to make it a LOT faster. You won’t have to experiment for 3 years like I did. You’ll get all the templates, SOPs, system documentation, and training to build a business that runs without you.

Imagine Being Able to Take Off Work Work Whenever You Want, for As Long As You Want

What have you wanted to do for years and never been able to?

You finally can.

Imagine going on vacation for 4 weeks without feeling guilty or checking email once, because you know it’s all taken care of. You’ve trained your team, and they can handle anything that comes up. They even know how you think, so they’ll make the same decisions you would have if you’d been there.

Imagine waking up in a luxurious resort in Tahiti, sipping your room-service coffee in bed, and checking your bank balance just for the heck of it. You see that money has come in while you were sleeping, while your team did all the hard work. Your team doesn’t have to come to you anymore for questions or review — they just handle it all.

Imagine your business running without you, even though you’re the face of your company. Your clients experience no break in service or quality, and your team runs like a well-oiled machine. You trust them to run the business well without you — and they do.

Imagine LOVING your business again, just like when you first started it, because you’re only doing work that’s in your genius zone, stuff you’re good at and love doing. You spend 0 time on $15/hour tasks, last-minute emergencies, or grunt work.

Imagine being able to take off work and go to your kids’ games, plays, and other activities whenever you want.

Imagine setting an example for your kids of what a business owner looks like — some who builds wealth, provides jobs for others, spends time with their family, and loves life.

Imagine calling up an old friend you haven’t talked to in a long time and hearing them say how much happier you sound.

Imagine looking at your spouse one Friday morning and saying, “Wanna go somewhere this weekend?” and spending the entire weekend skiing, swimming in an infinity pool, going to music festivals, or curling up with a book in front of a fire in a remote log cabin — whatever you’ve been dreaming of.

When you build your business to run without you, you get all of that: the freedom you’ve always dreamed of as an entrepreneur.

I Took 35% of Last Year Off

Last year, I had 127 days where I didn’t work. That’s over 1/3 of the year — essentially I took every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.

Ever since I removed myself from my business, I’ve lived the life I always dreamed of.

Austin, where I live, is only 3 hours away from either coast, so I was able to go on a lot of short, fun trips. I went to LA, Las Vegas, San Francisco, New York, and Miami anytime I wanted a quick weekend getaway. I’d show up on Monday feeling all motivated and excited about life.

Then I’d do it again a week later.

This truly felt like freedom to me — a kid who grew up in a small city in the Netherlands with the expectation that I’d be a doctor or lawyer.

Sometimes I would party it up on these trips.

Other times I would visit my family in LA or friends I have all across the country. This felt good, because I was spending time with people I cared about and that’s what most important to me. When I pass away, I want to be able to look back at my life and say that I didn’t waste my life at work — I spent it with people who mattered to me and they could see that I was there for them when they needed me.

This was the reason that I got into business – to have freedom to choose what I do, how I do it and who I do it with.

It’s not just short trips I took, though.

Probably the trip I’m most happy about is when I took 4 weeks in Japan, followed right after by 2 weeks in Europe. That was the first time I was completely disconnected. I just did whatever I wanted, and every now then when I snuck in to check up on the team (without asking anyone), I was able to see everything running smoothly and still generating profits.

The transition from “operator” to “owner” was fulfilling. I now felt I had a real business, not a lifestyle business. If I wanted to sell it, I could. Just look at how much Asian Efficiency has grown in the last 3 years:

The Top 7 Benefits of a Business That Runs Itself

The benefits of building a business that runs itself are endless, but let’s look at just a few:

1. You make a profit even when you’re not working, finally getting you away from trading time for money.

2. You build a higher valuation of your business to sell, so you have a nice cushion for retirement or starting another business.

3. You get 100+ freedom days a year to do whatever you want with. Who else in your life can say that?

4. You have more time for your family and raising children, so you don’t have to look back on your life and regret all the important events you missed out on.

5. You can go on vacation without working or checking email, so you actually enjoy yourself and come back to work refreshed.

6. You can make more money while working less, so you have more time AND money for what matters.

7. You can do what you love again in your business, instead of $15/hour work that you hate.

When you attend my workshop in Austin, you’ll get total clarity and direction to take your business to the next level, so you can get all 7 of those things in only 6 months.

This System Has Given Me 100 Days of First-Class Travel in the Past Year — and 65 Trips in the Past 3 Years

Everything You’ll Get During the 2-Day Workshop

Every training, course, and workshop I’ve taught over the past 8 years has focused on giving practical information you can put into action right away. This workshop is no different. I’ve stripped out all the fluff and condensed it into the tools you actually need to build a business that runs itself.

Here’s everything you’ll get during the workshop:

  • My business systems handed to you, so you don’t have to figure stuff out on your own by expensive trial and error
  • The exact hiring system I use to hire top talent who I can trust to run my business without any input from me (which questions to ask for each role, my scorecards, which personality test I have them take, and more)
  • My top recommended apps, tools, and tech stack, so you don’t have to waste time trying tools that don’t work or don’t play well with each other
  • The exact documentation I use for major processes, how to make decisions, how to run meetings, and more, so you can eliminate trial-and-error and get straight to what works
  • The actual SOPs I use, which we’ll adapt for your business together
  • My meeting rhythms and templates, so you don’t waste time on unnecessary meetings and learn to run meetings more efficiently
  • The training curriculum you’ll need to train your team and team members, so you don’t have to spend hundreds of hours creating this yourself
  • The materials I use to train my team, so you can see my actual examples and use them as inspiration for yours (and even use them as-is where they apply to your business). These include videos, docs, and more where I walk through tasks step-by-step
  • My delegation template, plus you’ll learn how to delegate…how to trust your team and let go, even if you’re worried no one can do stuff as well as you
  • VIP dinner with me Friday night, where you can ask me anything and connect with other entrepreneurs
  • Implementation. If you invest in the third day (after the 2-day workshop is over), you can have me personally look at your business and help you implement what you’ve learned during the workshop, so you can learn exactly how everything applies to you and your business
  • Experience what it’s like to unplug from your business and enjoy yourself for 3 days, which won’t be hard in beautiful, warm Austin, TX!
  • Meet other successful entrepreneurs who are in the same class as you: ambitious, successful, and hard working

This is really a 2-day experience of working on your business in a fun, beautiful city. The third day (if you choose it) is hardcore implementation under my guidance to speed up the results.

When you show up at work again, people will already be taking stuff off your plate.

You’ve heard the phrase “work ON your business, not IN your business” a million times. During this workshop, you’re finally going to do it. Step by step. System by system.

5 Bonuses, Just for Workshop Participants

To help speed up your progress, I’m offering 4 bonuses that aren’t available anywhere else:

My job descriptions for all the people I’ve hired (customer service, marketing, operations, product developer, and more), including people who have been with me for 5+ years, so you can hire the best people who will stick around.

The training curriculum team I’ve used to make my team members cross functional, so everyone has the required skills to do all the work to “keep the lights on.” When someone gets sick or is absent, your business will just keep moving. This alone will prevent 90% of your last-minute emergencies from ever happening.

Online Delegation Course by Asian Efficiency — learn how to let go and delegate work, so you can finally let other people do the work and be happy with the results, even if you’ve tried delegating before and it hasn’t worked out.

Metrics Cheat sheet for all parts of your business, so you know which metrics to track and improve, and which to ignore.

30-minute follow up with me (Thanh) for questions and coaching after the workshop, so any questions that come up as you implement get answered.

How Much Is Your Freedom Worth to You?

Now you know everything you get in the workshop, and you may be wondering if it’s worth it for you.

Well, let me ask you…

How much is your time worth per hour? Now multiply that by 400, because that’s how long it took me (conservative estimate) to learn this stuff and put together the materials you’ll get. If your time is worth $50/hour, that’s $20,000.

Just by investing in this workshop, you’re saving that amount: your hourly value * 400.

I also spent $145,000 on masterminds and trainings to learn pieces of the system I’m offering you now. That’s $145,000 you don’t have to spend.

Then consider that this workshop will have you making MORE money in less time. If you increase your revenue by 10%, how much would that be worth?

Obviously, this workshop both saves you money and makes you money. But it’s really about more than the money. It’s about your freedom and doing what you want with your life.

What would a 4-week vacation where you don’t check email be worth?

What would making every single one of your kid’s soccer games be worth?

What would dropping everything to be at your mom’s side if your dad gets sick — and know your business is running smoothly while you focus on your family — what would that be worth?

You can’t put a price on the things that really matter, and that’s why this workshop is so important. It gets you the important things in life.

Because you didn’t start a business so you could be chained to a desk, never see your family, and never travel — just like someone trapped in a cubicle farm.

Get $48,550 Worth of Material for Much, Much Less

Here’s everything that will get you away from being trapped and into your dream life:

  • All my business systems — worth $3,000
  • The exact hiring system I use to hire top talent — worth $1,000
  • My top recommended apps, tools, and tech stack — worth $250
  • The exact documentation I use — worth $2,000
  • The actual SOPs I use — worth $2,000
  • My meeting rhythms and templates — worth $500
  • The exact team training curriculum — worth $1,500
  • My training materials — worth $2,500
  • My delegation template & learning how to delegate — worth $500
  • VIP dinner with me Friday night (2+ hours) — worth $1,000
  • Full day of implementation — worth $5,000
  • Meet other successful entrepreneurs who are in the same class as you: ambitious, successful, and hard working — usually you have to pay for a $30,000 mastermind for this

All together, that’s $49,250. But your investment isn’t $49,250. It’s a fraction of that because I want this to be a no-brainer for anyone who’s decisive and committed to having freedom in their business. Your investment for this workshop is only:

  • $3,999 for 2-day workshop (Fri-Sat) (includes one ticket)
  • $4,999 for 2-day workshop (Fri-Sat) (includes two tickets, for you and your partner)
  • $7,999 (includes 2-day workshop) + VIP dinner Friday night with Thanh + third day with hands-on training with Thanh (Sunday) (you and partner)

Secure your spot today by filling in your application. All attendees must fill in an application.

1 Ticket

  • 2-day Workshop
  • VIP Dinner
  • 3rd Accelerator Day (Sunday)

Apply Now

$999 on approval, the remaining $3000 will be charged 2 weeks after approval

2 Tickets

  • 2-day Workshop
  • VIP Dinner
  • 3rd Accelerator Day (Sunday)

Apply Now

$999 on approval, the remaining $4000 will be charged 2 weeks after approval

2 Tickets + Accelerator Day

  • 2-day Workshop
  • VIP Dinner
  • 3rd Accelerator Day (Sunday)

Apply Now

$999 on approval, the remaining $7000 will be charged May 1st, 2019

There Are Only 15 Seats, and I May Never Do This Again

This is the first time I’m doing this workshop and making my 7-Step Founder Replacement Plan available on its own.

It’s rare that I offer in-person workshops, and I may never offer this one again, so if you want to learn how to build a business that makes more money while you work less, then I’d recommend filling in the application immediately.

This invitation is going out to 183 people, and once the 15 spots are taken, there are no more available. I want this to be a small, intimate workshop, and 15 is the hard cap.

An Unbeatable Guarantee: Freedom in 6 Months or Less

If you do all the work, I guarantee that your business will run itself 6 months or less. You won’t be the bottleneck anymore, because your team will be doing everything.

You’ll be able to take vacations whenever you want, and you’ll have the freedom you always wanted as an entrepreneur.

While your friends and acquaintances are still clocking in 60-hour weeks chained to their desks, you’ll be taking last-minute trips.

Here’s What to Do Now to Save Your Spot

The workshop is on May 31st and June 1st in Austin, TX, with the optional third day on June 2nd.

There is also a workshop in Amsterdam on June 28-29 with the optional third day on June 30.

To save your spot now, before someone else takes it, click the “Save My Spot” button below. You’ll be taken to an application page where you can submit your application.

This workshop is by application only. I want to ensure that I can truly serve and help you. By filling in the application, I get a better idea if this workshop is suited for you. 

After your application, you can book a call with me and I will review your application. On the call, I will let you know if this workshop is right for you and then invite you to join. You will only have to put down a $999 deposit (refundable) and the rest can be paid 2 weeks later.

In the case it’s not suited for you, I will provide other resources that will help you. Either way, I want to make sure you’re taken care of.

So claim your spot now before it’s filled up.


This Is Zero Risk. Get a 100% Refund if You Want.

I want to make this an easy decision for you to make, and I’m offering 2 things to help with that:

You can get a 100% refund after the first day. Go through the first day of the workshop, and if you don’t think it’s helpful, just email me and you’ll get everything refunded with no hassle.

Your $999 deposit (after application approval on the call) is 100% refundable up to 2 weeks before your workshop. After that, you can use it as credit for a future workshop or Asian Efficiency online course.

Warning: How Much Longer Are You Willing to Keep Missing Out?

Remember the story I told at the beginning of this page? How much I worked? How I gained 20 pounds and barely saw my friends or family?

Finally, enough was enough and I decided it had to change. I couldn’t face another 40 years of the same.

What would it look like for you if things keep going the way they are?

What if you try to take just a couple days off, away from your email, and you lose clients while you’re gone due to rocky customer service?

What if you struggle to consistently find good talent and waste time hiring and firing, and the turnover causes poor service and lost clients?

What if you spend thousands training the wrong person?

How will you grow your business if you don’t learn how to manage and motivate your team…who will eventually leave if you don’t?

How much longer can you keep doing $15/hour tasks yourself, working long days away from your family, and wondering why you even started a business if it means being chained to your desk 24/7?

How many more holidays and family events are you willing to miss?

Only you can decide that.

I’m happy with the decision I made 3 years ago — I just wish it hadn’t taken me 3 years to figure this all out.

But you can have what I have in only 6 months.

Imagine that 6 months from now, you’re taking long vacations. You’re traveling every month. You’re spending more time with your family.

You can have that.

It’s up to you.

Build a Business That Runs Itself in 6 Months or Less, So You Can Live the Life You Dream of

When you save your spot in this workshop today, you’re getting access to the first-ever time I’ve revealed this system for making a business run itself.

  • If you’re sick of feeling chained to your business and feeling like it’s a job instead of your dream…
  • If you’re sick of missing out on important family events…
  • If you’re sick of your children growing up without you because you’re always at work…
  • If you’re sick of never taking a vacation and always feeling like you’re on the edge of burnout…

…then this workshop is for you.

During our 2 days together, you’ll get everything I used to train my team to run my business without me. You’ll get templates, scripts, SOPs, my delegation template, and much more.

The end result of the workshop is that you’ll get a business that runs without you. But it won’t just run — it’ll run BETTER than it does right now.

My guarantee to you is that if you do all the work, your business will run itself 6 months or less.

That will let you take vacations whenever you want, for as long as you want. You’ll go to ALL your family holidays and events, and you’ll never miss out on activities with your kids again.

You’ll have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and your friends will ask you how you do it.

That’s my promise to you.

Are you in?

Frequently Asked Questions

At this point, you may have questions, so I’ll take a minute to answer the most common ones. If you have anything else unanswered, please feel free to email us at support@asianefficiency.com, and someone from my team will answer ASAP.

What if I can’t come after I’ve purchased?

You can get a 100% refund before March 15. After that, it’s a credit for a future workshop.

Where do I stay?

I recommend hotels in the downtown area of Austin. The venue is at the Indigo Hotel in downtown Austin. Other nearby hotels include the Hilton, Four Seasons and Hyatt. You can also find plenty of places on Airbnb.

Where is it held?

The Indigo hotel in downtown Austin, TX. The exact conference details will be revealed after you’ve registered.

Will this work even if I’m the face of my company?

Yes, absolutely. I’m the face of Asian Efficiency, and everything ran smoothly and profitably without me for 6 weeks last year. I’ll teach you exactly how I did it and give you all the systems ready to use. Aside from cross-training your team, so you’re no longer a bottleneck, it requires teaching your team to think like you. That way, they’ll make decisions like you, and your business will operate as if you were there, even when you’re gone for weeks at a time.

Will I make less money as the business runs without me?

Nope! Asian Efficiency’s revenue has continued to grow year after year, even as I’ve taken more and more time off. You’re building a business that will be MORE efficient and well run, so it will make you more money, while you work less.

How can I replace myself when I’m the one who built all this technical stuff since the beginning?

You can definitely learn how to train someone to handle system downtime and make emergency code fixes, and I’ll show you how.

I’ve tried to delegate before and it didn’t go well. Why will it this time?

Because I’ll teach you how to hire top talent consistently and systematically. I’ll also teach you how to train and retain them. When you’re working with the best of the best, delegation becomes easy and fun.

Do you cover creating SOPs for creative tasks?

Yes! It’s a fine art, but I’ll show you how to do it. I’ll also teach you how to train your team to think like you, so they make the same creative choices you would have.

Do you cover how to create training/structure work for different learning styles?

Yes, I cover different learning styles and how to train your team efficiently. You’ll learn how to teach something to all your employees in a way that makes it easy for everyone and use your 1-on-1 sessions to adapt the training for each employee as needed.

Can I really have a team that does what they are supposed to do consistently without me having to stay on them?

Yes! My team does, and I love them. It comes down to hiring, training, and retaining the best people, and I’ll show you how.

Won’t I lose touch with important things going on in my business? Couldn’t my business fail because it didn’t have enough of my attention?

I haven’t found this to be the case, because I’ve built up a lot of trust with my team members, and I’m still actively managing the business. If you have a good team and they’re well trained, nothing bad will happen, even while you’re on a 6-week vacation.

I don’t know how to train my team to do what I do. Is that a problem?

Nope! That’s exactly what I’ll teach you in the workshop. No prior knowledge on training team members is necessary.

If I put a lot into training one person, what happens when they move onto the next thing?

The great thing about developing the training is that you only have to do it once, and then it’ll work for the next person you hire for the role. I’ll also be teaching you about employee retention, though, so you have less turnover.

I’m nervous about releasing control of this thing I spent my time, money, and life force building and birthing…

I’m nervous about releasing control of this thing I spent my time, money, and life force building and birthing…

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